Kepler magazine: the science blog
Kepler-Magazin is scinelion's ScienceBlog. You can renew, deepen & expand your knowledge with interesting articles on scientific topics: Welcome!
Homo aestheticus: How real are the golden ratio and Fibonacci numbers in nature?
What we find beautiful or harmonious often finds its correspondence in comparatively simple mathematical contexts. When considering [...]
Continental drift - Alfred Wegener's great theory
That the continents are moving away from each other, even more so that they once as a coherent land mass a geological and [...]
Shortcuts - Bernoulli's Law
WHAT? Daniel Bernoulli, a mathematician and physicist from a Dutch family of scholars, discovered an important fluid mechanics in the 18th century [...]
Portrait - Tycho Brahe
On the island of Ven in southern Sweden you can marvel at the relics of a heyday of astronomy: In the 16th century, [...]
Shortcuts - Kepler's Laws
WHAT? Johannes Kepler, the assistant Tycho Brahes in Prague, recognized after persistent analysis of the meticulously created by his teacher [...]
Swarm idiocy - the dark side of collective intelligence
Everyone is talking about swarm intelligence, of course. For some time now, the masses of living beings have been given more credit than their individual [...]
Ebola virus: a story full of puzzles
When Mabalo Lokela, a 44-year-old teacher from Yalikonde woke up with a fever one morning in 1976 while on vacation in northern Zaires, [...]
How much does the earth weigh?
Anyone who has asked this question before and tries without help from literature, without google, Wikipedia or [...]
Glycobiology - not just sweet
Biology knows a comparatively young discipline, the so-called glycobiology. Anyone who suspects something sweet here is right. As essentially [...]
Photosynthesis: Now everyone can understand it!
"Photosynthesis - how was it again?" There are many reasons to be interested in photosynthesis: Maybe you will take [...]
Induced pluripotent stem cells
Anyone who has closely followed the Nobel Prize Awards in 2012 should not have missed the fact that the Nobel Prize in Medicine [...]