Hello, this is scinelion.
Hello, this is scinelion.
As a production company we focus auf media design for high-tech industries. and combine solid scientific education & experience with medial creativity. In addition to competence and transparency, our customers appreciate the personal relationship of trust in the implementation of all audiovisual projects.
Our Customers
Why You Should Work With Us

We have all-rounders with a scientific background who can draw on practical experience in industrial research and product development. That is why we really understand your services or products.

Passionate interest in science & technology paired with fresh ideas and years of experience in the production of digital media such as graphics, videos or animations enable us to reliably implement all of your media wishes.

Together with you we want to build a long-term and trusting partnership. Fair offers without hidden costs are therefore a matter of course for us: With us you know from the start what you get for your budget. Promised.
That´s What Our Customers Say
Seit mehr als vier Jahren nehmen wir mit unserem Marketingteam die Dienstleistungen von scinelion in Anspruch. Dabei war die langjährige Life Science Erfahrung des Gründers Dr. Hanns-Martin Schmidt sicher ein entscheidendes Auswahlkriterium.
In any case, we are very happy to have found such a creative, committed and reliable service provider with whom we can work together with such trust.
Since the foundation of our young company, scinelion has supported us by designing digital media for the introduction of our diagnostic device on the market.
Last but not least, the attractive conditions for start-ups and the technical understanding of the project management were decisive for us. In addition, scinelion always acts very flexibly and quickly when it comes to implementing our wishes.
scinelion has already produced numerous videos for science communication for us. Precisely because complex topics for very different target groups such as laypersons or experts have to be conveyed, we are very happy that here, media design is connected with a solid scientific qualification, a really rare combination.
We have just launched a new device module for one of our high-tech products in the BioResearch area. Internet videos are an excellent way for us to demonstrate to our customers around the world the advantages of this technology or the operation of the device in a clear way. It was really easy with scinelion, from concept to finished film it went like clockwork ... fast and professional.
As a young biotech company that positioned itself in international competition, we decided early on to also advertise with online videos. Working with scinelion was really straightforward. We also received very good feedback from our customers on the video on our homepage!
With a video series on stem cell research, we wanted to break new ground in teaching current topics. It was excellent that the people at scinelion immediately understood our ideas and wishes because of their scientific expertise. The shoots were excellently prepared and were carried out with great professionalism and fun at work!
Creative & Dedicated
Develop a concept
Together with you, we develop brilliant ideas and turn them into effective means of communication.
Target the right audience
Sie kennen Ihre Zielgruppe, wir den Weg dorthin: Durch Harmonie von inhaltlicher Präzision und spannender, ansprechender Mediengestaltung.
Make a film out of it
You have the product, we have the video. Storyboard, filming & post production in a one-stop solution.
Distribute through all channels
If you want to be seen and heard, web & social media offer excellent opportunities. We identify the optimal strategies for you.

Did you know that videos can increase click rates of press releases by 270%?
(Source: Verlag für Deutsche Wirtschaft AG)
Did you know that videos can increase click rates of press releases by 270%?
(Quelle: Verlag
für Deutsche Wirtschaft AG)
Tips & Trends in Corporate Communication
Tips & Trends in Corporate Communication
Die Grenzen zwischen Realverfilmung und computergenerierten (CGI, computer generated imagery) Grafiken oder Animationen sind inzwischen fließend und ermöglichen auch im B2B oder B2C Bereich und mit mittleren Budgets die Umsetzung von Ideen, die vormals großen Filmproduktionen vorbehalten waren....
What can pictures do that words cannot?
It is of course a cliché that a picture says more than 1000 words. Rather, words can trigger images as well as sounds or smells. Public relations can hit different keys on the keyboard of communication ...
Trends in 3D animation of high-tech devices
Anyone who has ever wondered how to present a product that requires explanation and is technologically sophisticated, both attractive in terms of advertising and understandable and correct (e.g. in terms of its operation), automatically thinks about computer animation. At the same time, there are usually no precise ideas about what costs can be expected to implement such an approach...
Public relations work at scientific congresses
The presentation of scientific content to a broader public is not an easy business: In the border area between the necessary objectivity and the desired general intelligibility, the actual thematic complexity is often sacrificed to an unsatisfactory compromise ...
What is part of a good marketing mix?
Those who want to successfully advertise their company and its products today are constantly challenged to question old tools to achieve marketing goals and to critically review new tools ...
Social media: do I need this for my company?
Almost half of all companies in Germany now use social media. But is this effort worthwhile? The statistics on the use of social media are impressive: With around 1.6 billion users worldwide, Facebook tops the list of social media platforms. About 20-30 million Germans regularly use Facebook and YouTube, depending on the source ...