What can pictures do that words cannot?
It is of course a cliché that a picture says more than 1000 words. Rather, words can trigger images as well as sounds or smells. Public relations can hit different keys on the keyboard of communication ...
It is of course a cliché that a picture says more than 1000 words. Rather, words can trigger images as well as sounds or smells. Public relations can hit different keys on the keyboard of communication ...
Those who want to successfully advertise their company and its products today are constantly challenged to question old tools to achieve marketing goals and to critically review new tools ...
Almost half of all companies in Germany now use social media. But is this effort worthwhile? The statistics on the use of social media are impressive: With around 1.6 billion users worldwide, Facebook tops the list of social media platforms. About 20-30 million Germans regularly use Facebook and YouTube, depending on the source ...